Last Updated:
April 30, 2011
Photos by:
Sevie Kenyon
Peter Kilby
Jessica Schroeder
Theron Snell
Rick Tittsler
2010 marks the 22nd year of the WHN. The newsletter has gone through the growing pains of technology - from typewriters to home computers, from black & white to color.
WHN is distributed to every member of the WHHA as part of their paid membership. It is mailed out 4x/year, with extra copies available at the Midwest Horse Fair in April and the USTA/WHHA Annual Meeting in January, as well as online. THere is a WHN racing edition available to those county fairs that wish to particpate in the program.
The WHN also prints the Wisconsin Harness Racing Condition Book, generally sent out in mid-May to prepare for the summer racing season. The condition book tells owners, trainers, drivers and fans where the races will be held, what types of races there will be, important phone numbers and loding information for each fair.
Spring 2011
Winter 2010
November 2010
March 2010
December 2009
June 2009
March 2009
December 2008
May 2007
February 2007
December 2006
July 2006
March 2006
January 2006
Print copies are free, with paid WHHA membership
Gretchen Springer, Editor