Last Updated:
April 30, 2011
Photos by:
Sevie Kenyon
Peter Kilby
Jessica Schroeder
Theron Snell
Rick Tittsler
Click here for Board of Directors Attendance Chart
Click here for archived meeting minutes
Wisconsin Harness Horse Association Board of Directors
Wisconsin Harness Racing Hall of Fame
Joint Meeting
Dec. 7, 2010 Columbus , Wis.
WHHA Board Present: Becky Swinehart, Susan Schroeder, Rick Davis, Del Moldenhauer, Gabe Wand, Jeanne Marquis
Absent : Scott Gald, Gretchen Springer, Rick Magee
WHR Hall of Fame Present: Wayne Moldenhauer, George Woodbridge
Absent: Robert Yohn, Durwood Maas, David Dahms, Basil Remley
Observer: Jay DeLong
Gabe called the meeting to order at 10:10 . Del motioned that the minutes from October 17 th be approved. Supported by Becky, they were accepted unanimously.
Becky presented the Financial Report. See attached. There are few changes from October. Members are reminded to submit any expenses so that the accounts from 2010 can be closed. Checks received for banquet and 2011 memberships will be deposited on Jan. 2, 2011 so they are part of next year’s budget. Rick Davis motioned approval. Del seconded. Unanimously accepted.
Annual Meeting plans are finalized. For Friday comers, there will be videos of the summer racing and treats. Registration begins at 9:00AM on Saturday, January 22. The schedule for the morning includes an Officials Seminar for current and prospective officials. Jess Schroeder will represent the USTA for rule discussions. Time after the break will be devoted to a round table discussion of rules and problems for members and officials. WHHA business meeting begins at 12:30 . USTA meeting with representatives Gabe Wand and Bob Yohn will begin at 3:30 . Jess will update us on County Fair news. Food will be served at 5:45 to allow plenty of time for an early start for the auction.
Some changes in physical arrangements include: Auction room will be the smaller Willow Room and dinner will be served in 4 lines from the former auction room. The dining room set up will be reversed and closed at 4:30 for hotel staff to prepare. Becky will deal with new traffic pattern for the auction.
Nicole Wedel will assist her dad with her efficient computer for recording the auction action. Becky hopes for donations of any equipment especially something unusual as they sell well. Gabe has secured a Walsh harness. We should ask our vets for donation of services or supplies. Becky has a donation letter to thank and recognize anyone who responds positively. Susan has 50/50 tickets, always a good fund raiser.
Rick Davis, who has been storing the Hall of Fame for several years, would like someone else to have the privilege. He will bring everything to the meeting. Pictures and Dave Magee’s colors will have to be stored in a dry, protected place.
Susan and Becky agreed to form the nominating committee for replacement board members. They will stress the importance of the time commitment for meetings and efforts for race meets which are required. Gretchen Springer & Rick Davis will run again, as will Jay DeLong.
Susan will provide an extensive report at the Annual Meeting of marketing efforts this year. For example, gift baskets with logo wear and Newsletter subscriptions were given to Fair Board members. Becky will try again to create a Raffle Calendar. Nellie Suppanz did a super job getting awards for Pick a Winner and Bouncy Pony, including gas cards, for Wautoma and Weyauwega.
We need an enthusiastic IT person who knows how to write Code to help our website. We would need a Job description for this person, perhaps a Marketing intern. We would pay gas and mileage. We also need people to send information to the website. Would board members each agree to be responsible for one month? Newsletter items are due to Gretchen by Dec. 10 th.
New Business. Gabe attended the Northern Ill. Colt Association meeting. They are looking for ways to save money. We would be willing to provide, for a fee, our starting gate for the most northern fairs, Morrison and Belvidere. We could rent our charting computer but they need to provide the charter. A photo finish picture program costs $50. We could buy this and rent also.
Snaps for back pads will be replaced with buxton type snaps as needed. It also needs a ¾ inch nylon strap.
Benevolence Fund . Del provided the description for our WHHA Emergency Benevolence Fund:
In the event that a catastrophe should occur to a member of the WHHA, a donation will be made to the member of the WHHA, who incurred the loss. The WHHA will make a donation in the amount of $250 per occurrence. It must be determined by the Standing Board of Directors of the WHHA that the member is in good standing with the WHHA; that the member must have been a registered member of the WHHA not less than twelve months prior to the catastrophe. Each event will be voted on individually by the WHHA Board of Directors to determine if the loss incurred by the member will result in the donation of $250.00.
Susan motioned that this be adopted as stated. Rick seconded. Approved unanimously.
Neillsville’s request for racing has not been resolved. Their fair is on the same date as Ironwood. Therefore, racing on their Heritage Days should be considered. Rick Davis will follow up. Gabe will use the race contract to spell out our responsibilities as well as the host track.
George Woodbridge asked permission to address the board and suggested a Lifetime Achievement Award as a way to recognize a member who doesn’t exactly fit into Hall of Fame criteria but who has given a lot to Wisconsin racing for many years. This Lifetime Achievement Award is to be presented to a member who has supported and actively participated in harness racing in Wisconsin throughout the years. Del motioned that we create this type of an award with exact wording to be determined via emails between the board, Becky seconded. All approved. It will be presented to Durwood Maas by Bob Yohn at the annual meeting.
*After lengthy email discussion, a unanimous vote was cast for the following wording: LifetimeAppreciation Award. Criteria: To individuals who, during their lifetime, have actively participated in and supported harness racing in Wisconsin at the grass roots level. 2010 Recipient: Durwood Maas. E-mail discussion and vote concurred unanimously and is attached.
At 1:55 Susan moved that this part of the meeting conclude. Del seconded. All agreed.
Hall of Fame
Susan presented an agenda and information regarding our Hall of Fame binders. She asks that we keep the information current, adding 2010 nomination materials and that we fill out the information sheets for Who’s Who in Wisconsin so that we build a data base of people, horses or events which should be remembered. There was a discussion of creating guidelines for inducting couples with the conclusion that we should keep our present categories until we find out how other states do this. Susan will follow up.
Documentation for this year’s nominations was discussed as thorough and adequate. We need to keep tapping into sources like Dan Daniels and those who remember. Mainliner and Lord Steward were in the same Milwaukee stable and therefore paired this year. Guy Crippen was described by Wayne as a character. Miss Bertha C was mentioned originally by Dean Hoffman. Voting procedure was explained. Kerry Long will accept votes by e-mail, letter, or phone by the end of the week, please.