Annual Meeting
(Last Updated January 24)


Hall of Fame


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Meeting Minutes
(Last Month Posted: October 2010)


Last News Item Posted: January 25)

Race Schedule
2011 (Tentative)

WI Harness News
(Last Edition Posted: Winter 2010)


Last Updated:
January 25, 2011

Photos by:
Sevie Kenyon
Peter Kilby
Jessica Schroeder
Theron Snell
Rick Tittsler

December 2010 News

Click here for our current news

Richland Center Survey (29-Dec)

The Richland County Fairboard has put out this survey (PDF). We urge you to take the time to fill it out and send back to the fairboard showing your support for the harness racing program. The more responses for harness racing they get, the better chance we all have of racing there in the future!

Hall of Fame Inductees Announced (29-Dec)

The Hall of Fame committee is pleased to announce that Guy Crippen (Immortal), Mainliner (Horse), Lord Steward (Horse) and Miss Bertha C (Horse) will be inducted into the Wisconsin Harness Racing Hall of Fame on January 22, 2011.

If anyone knows of people that have connections to any of the inductees, please contact Susan Schroeder so we can invite them to attend the ceremony. You can either call Susan at (414) 379-2494 or email at

Archived Meeting Minutes (21-Dec)

Archived Board of Director meeting minutes are available for all of 2009 and a couple from 2008. Be sure to check them out here!

Horsemen, Tracks Agree to Contract in Illinois (20-Dec)

After a negotiating session on Sunday (Dec 19), the Illinois Harness Horsemen's Association and representatives from Maywood/Balmoral came to an agreement on a 2011 racing contract. The agreement was unanimously approved by the IHHA Board of Directors today.

The key elements to the contract are as follows:

  • Horsemen will continue to pay 30% of recapture owed in 2011; the same as in past years
  • There will be a 5% purse increase starting January 1
  • We will race 52 weeks in 2011
  • We whave significant downside protection to our purses in the event of a large decline of purses generated
  • In an effort to increase field size, Balmoral Park will reduce the number of races per week from 36 to 33

(Illinois Harness Horsmen's Association)

Illinois horsemen, racetracks at stalemate (15-Dec)

After two days of lenthy meetings, members of the Illinois Harness HOrsemen's Association (IHHA) and the management of Balmoral and Paywood Parks have reached an impassee.

"Right now, we have no contract for 2011, and this is a real concern," said IHHA executive director Tony Somone. "The tracks gave us an ultimatum saying they want twenty percent more in recapture money for 2011."

Annually, the IHHA has been paying just 30 percent in recapture money to Illinois' two harness venues, and deferring 70 percent. The racetracks now want that amount split 50-50. Every 10 percent increase in recapture amounts to $450,000, Somone noted.

"That means that an extra 20 percent is $900,000 that the horsemen have to give to the tracks," Somone explained. "The tracks believe that because the horsemen did the fiscally right thing and paid them back the recapture and took a forty-five percent purse cut in 2010, that we can exist like that again in 2011. They think we should be able to keep purses where they are and survive, and many of our horsemen just can't do that. So many are just hanging on by a string as it is."

Somone said the tracks woudl agree to let the horsemen continue to pay 30 percent in recaputre for 2011, with the stipulation that there woudl be no purse increases next year, no matter how much money is in the purse account.

"We would have to agree to no purse increases in 2011 and I just don't see that happening," Somone said. "The racetracks are just the custodians of our purse account and they shouldn't be able to use our money to pay their bills. Right now our purse account is a $220,000 to the good. We'll lose a little bit of that money in the next three weeks because of what is being paid out ot the purses."

December is traditionally a weak wagering month, Somone added, as said he expects the purse account to be at an estimated $150,000 by Dec. 31, 2010.

"However, on Jan. 1, 2011, our purse account will receive the 'outs' money," he noted.

The 'outs' monies are those left from uncashed mutuel tickets from 2009, as patrons are given one year to cash their tickets. That money, usually totaling close to $1-million is then divided equally between the tracks and the horsemen.

"That 'outs' number is estimated to be about $450,000 to horsemen (a total of $900,000)," Somone said. "The first week of January our purse account will be $600,000 to the good. Traditionally, for the last 20 years, we have had it written in our contract that if the purse account reaches plus $300,000 or negative $300,000 ther eis to be a purse increase or a purse decrease. So we're due for an increase that is probably around five percent, and the tracks are arguing that they can't afford to do that.

"Traditionally, we (the horsemen) usually do pretty wekk in January and February," Somone continued. "But if we take the deal the tracks are offering to keep paying only thirty percent in recaputre without a purse incrase, it makes no sense. There could be $1-million sitting in our purse account and we won't be able to touch it, if we agree to that. The tracks tell us that they don't have money to pay their bills and they need out money."

As a result of this deadlock, the IHHA and racetrack management will meet with the Illinois Racing Board (IRB) on Tuesday, Dec. 21.

"The IRB has been made aware of our situation and the next move is to ttake direction from them," Somone said. "My guess is that the IRB will make some type of compromise. The IRB can force us to pay that recapture if they want to.

"If that's the case, and we have to pay 50 percent in recapture, then the horsemen are going to have to take a few weeks off to build up our purse account," Somone stressed. "Without that, we're looking at another substantial purse cut, and the rhosemen can't afford to do that right now without taking time off."

If favorable legislation passes the Illinois House and is signed into law by the Governor when the Illinois legislature reconvenes on Jan. 3, 2011, the horsemen woudn't see any of those revenues until 2012. (Kim Rinker)

Annual Meeting Update (15-Dec)

Be sure to check out the Annual Meeting page for the Saturday Schedule of Events!

Wisconsin Harness Horse Association