Amber Sawyer
For newcomers, it may be difficult to distinguish drivers on the race track. There are so many out there with green, red, or black in their racing silks. However, there is only one sporting pink out on the county fair ovals - and that lady is Amber Sawyer.
Amber began driving horses twelve years ago with her father, Dean, at their Burnett, Wisconsin training track. Horses have come and gone throughout the years, but the father-daughter duo is still training three horses while working full time. Amber trains horses by day while owning her own housekeeping business by night. Perhaps her biggest job however is her spunky son, Paulie, who can often be seen on the backstretch cheering! Paulie also can be heard belting out "She'll be coming around the mountain" on a daily basis!
Few on the Wisconsin circuit have traveled where Amber has throughout her brief career. She has driven at Scarborough Downs in Maine and Prairie Meadows in Iowa, while also driving qualifying races at Pocono (PA), Rosecroft (MD), Maywood (IL), Saratoga (NY), and Batavia Downs (NY).
When we asked Amber about her driving style, she simply stated, "Most important thing is to get around the track safely and have fun." Such a statement coincides with the philosophy of many county fair drivers here in Wisconsin. Amber is in the business for the right reasons - because she enjoys it. Many drivers dream of winning a big stake race, but not Amber. She "doesn't need to win a big race, I'm just happy for any win I get."
One of Amber's most beloved horses was an old free for all pacer by the name of Timely Gal. She is the first horse Amber piloted to victory and taught her the ropes of the Wisconsin fair circuit. She also
has a love for roan horses. She was all smiles while driving a roan Happy Trotter that never made a break and a little roan pacer, appropriately named Pinkster, that gave it his all every start.
Amber was given a rare opportunity while trying her luck on the east coast. She got the privilege to drive at Goshen Historic Track in an all ladies race. Now the perfect ending to this story would be to let you know that Amber won, but alas, we must tell the truth. She came off the track with two flat tires and a little road rash from getting run into - in hindsight Amber tells us, "I should have just left (the gate)."
One of the most exciting moments in Amber's training career was being named the leading trainer during a two week race meet in Rochester, New Hampshire. Not bad for a midwest gal gone east!
"It's so rewarding to be the only active female driver in the State of Wisconsin," Amber stated. "It shows other females that girls can do anything! GO PINK!"
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